Thursday, January 6, 2011


Each piece of text that has ever been written reflects a small facet of the author's 'self'. This self exhibits itself often blatantly, often peeking through wraps of resplendent articulation, enticing the reader to engage with it. Thus, each piece of work, no matter how insignificant, is close to the author's heart, it being a piece of him/her self. In an interesting process of meaning creation, as the reader moves through the text trying to decipher the author's mind he/she starts giving the text, a meaning of his/her own such that it resonates with him/her. The text now carries a part of the reader as well. This mingling of meanings and inferences enriches the text as it comes across multiple readers and develops into a phenomenon much greater than what the author could have ever imagined.

This quality of text, to live forever, emerging and re-emerging in new forms, providing inspiration, enjoyment, or a simple idea to its readers amazes me to no end. In a small selfish attempt to become a more integral part of this vibrant world, I invite the reader to criticize and relish the manifestations of my imagination.